

Application of SURO membrane system in a power plant

Project introduction

A self-provided power plant has a total of 8 reverse osmosis membrane systems, with a single designed water yield of 100m3 /h. The reverse osmosis production water is boiler recharge water (after deep desalination treatment). Part of the reverse osmosis membrane system unit adopts our product series "SURO BW-8040FR" membrane element. The water quality and quantity of the system meet the requirements of customers. The system has been in operation since April 2019, and the standardized desalination rate and standardized water yield of the system are stable.

 The process flow

Apply product and membrane component parameters

Model Output/Set Membrane Flux Recovery Rate System Rejection(%) Operating Pressure Array 
SURO BW-8040FR2000m3/d23.0LMH75%98.5%0.9-1.3MPa11:6(6 elements vessels)

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